There are millions of cell phones users around the world and hundreds of phone models to choose from, but most cell phone were not designed for the hard of hearing, the deaf and the hearing impaired community. For these groups of cell phone users, the phone needs to offer specific features to become effective. So when you are buying your next hard of hearing cell phone, here is a list of features the phone needs to support.
What Makes A Perfect Hard Of Hearing Cell Phone:
1. Extra loud ring - A suitable cell phone should support extra loud and adjustable ringing volume of up to 100dB. This ring level will allow the vast majority of hard of hearing people to hear the ring.
2. Extra loud volume amplification - While some cell phones, even those not designed for the hard of hearing and the deaf might offer loud ring functionalities, another important feature is the receiving call volume amplification. A suitable phone should offer amplification levels of 25dB to 30dB.
3. Hearing aid compatible - A large percentage of hard of hearing people will also wear a digital hearing aid on a daily basis. Therefore, the phone will need to offer hearing aids compatibility, which will allow the aid to work work the cell phone in conjunction.
4. Universal SIM compatibility - No matter which provider you are using, the phone needs to work from the very start without switching provider. Phones which are designed for the hard of hearing, should work with most providers and most SIMs.
5. Shaker / Vibration alerts - While most cell phone in the market support the option to switch on vibration ring instead of the normal ring, only dedicated phones support shaker / vibration alerts, as well as shaker ring.
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